“What If”... I’m not Black, What If” All this #BLM Stuff Offends Me?

In the Midst of the Cry to Save #Blacklives from #Policebrutality, comes a big bold dissenting voice challenging #Reform and the #BLM. 
Elton Milton #tweeted a comment in response to my post on #Twitter “What is the Ultimate of All Things”.https://twitter.com/renaldomckenzie/status/1275982497273217024?s=21
Elton wrote:
What if I've never been
a bigot?What if I'm 
not black?What if I've 
been decrimanated
against many times?
What if no one ever
stood up for my rights?
What if all this BLM
stuff offends me for
those reasons?What if
this current hate centered movement
Is unjust to some?
I responded saying:
It is written that When Cain Killed Abel, God asked of Cain “...where is Thy brother?” Cain responded: “...Am I my brother’s Keeper.
And it is written that There was a Man a Traveller a Jew who was beaten up and left for dead, several of his brothers, passed him by the wayside without offering help but excuses. Then A Man a Samaritan who was said to despise Jews helped the injured Man. Who is thy neighbor? Anyone who i.e. human
It is when we preoccupy ourselves with us versus them instead of seeing the fragility of one’s own humanity in the eyes of any man that we can resort to indifference to abuse of our brothers and call their “Cry” and victimization unjust.
And it is when we strip ourselves of labels and the hypocrisy that comes with it that we can identify with the hurt of the few over the many and move to action.

This propensity & proclivity to Politicize everything, think in political ideological ways & making issues a divided one is what will #fuckupthiscountry blaming the #GOP is retrogressive. We fall to the strategy of Power to keep power “divide&conquer”

‪Yes and there is always gonna be “What Ifs” but there is always “what is” and “What ought... to be... Let’s be “one for all and all for one”‬

Elton Milton and I became Friends and followed each other after our dialogue. 

@EltonMilton adjusted or made clearer the position saying: 
Amen that is what
JESUS taught us. That's 
what is the root cause
In America today. The
People turned Thier
backs on GOD. I READ
my BIBLE so none of
today's problems
Surprise me.

I replied:
Thanks for your post challenging the #BLM we don’t have to always agree but we can have a conversation and be willing to change and adjust our positions. If we can’t adjust there can be no progress. I’m not always right and when I think I’m right then I may be wrong. Thx

Elton Continues:We hippies(I'm 64) backin the 60s+70s,Tryiedto teach everyone, howimportant love,peaceand happiness was.Wewere oppressed anddiscriminated against,Still are today. When the Bigots see my beard and long hair,Beleave me or not,mySkin might as well beBlack. Love is Peace.
I Replied:Let’s not denigrate or name call. Okay there’s outrage and anger so dealing with all this is not clean and pristine but messy. Change and reform is not clean cut but messy. So I understand but let’s not make it too difficult by cursing our brothers it make the process hard.

Elton Milton: My intention is not toDeligitimise the causeOf BLM. Sinister opportunist will not leta crisis go by withoutexploiting it. Thoseare the ones I can'tTolerate.I'll separatethose long before I do anything. I'm surenot going to helpLucifer achieve hisGoal.
I replied:Let’s your opinions or reasoning be known so that others can engage them  and we can hear the other side or a reply that we may need to consider. I may sound anti- Christian or American at times but I’m not, it’s my way of philosophy to critically think and re-think


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