Police Reform in #America Must include Rebranding the Police ...Change their “LOOK”

#PoliceReform Must also include rebranding the #PoliceForce; changing their anti friendly countenance, stance, color, clothes and updating their car. Their “LOOK” needs to become more customer or #CommunityService Friendly. Moral Authority is a currency that has lost value for Law Enforcement and when a currency looses its value it must change, the state must intervene just as the Federal Reserve Bank intervenes to protect its monetary value of its currency in this case the state needs to constantly intervene in the currency of its law enforcement. But this has never been the case. #Democrats and #Republicans are all guilty of their indifference and soft approach to dealing with and restoring  the credibility of the police. States always seem to fail to act or are too slow to protect the integrity of its people and the currency of its police due to political and ideological differences that has nothing to do with building a strong #Policdforce for all people. A force that serves and protect all; a force that is nervous about failing the people it’s called to serve. The Police must be afraid of violating the law as they move to protect it. But more often than not, it is the people that they are called to serve that they fear  instead of fearing their failures to protect and advance the law or the consequences of not doing so. 
Indeed, weak consequences for police lawlessness have created this problem we are in today. If people feel that they can get away with a crime then they will. 
So then, the #ExecutiveOrder that the #President unveiled to deal with #Policereform was supposed to restore #America pride in their police. But it did not. The #President’s Advisors were too shortsighted and set in their ways and advanced an #ExecutiveOrder that defended the police and scouledes the masses; instead of offering an apology and promising dignity and professionalism in the force again and exploring solid ways to make police accountable and ensuring #Americans feel safe again.
Further. The #ExecutiveOrder banned chokeholds but In extreme cases. This did not do anything to quell the suspicions of black people’s fears that the order banned “Chokeholds ... unless in [Black] cases where an officer’s life is at risk... “Black” cases.
Everytime police use force especially in black cases, such as #RayshodBrooks it’s always justified as an extreme case. So what did this #executiveorder or #DonaldTrump Plan achieve?
Every time a black man sees a cop they get nervous mad angry... because police lack the respect, credibility and any moral authority to police. They have lost the country’s and black and brown people respect. They need to not just retrain or reform police but rebrand the force.
The #Police in Philly stopped me & violated me a year ago unlawfully searching my car & then hauled me out and went into my crotch and touch my most sensitive sexual organ without apology. 
Historically blacks and brown people have endured a multiplicity of unlawful actions by #Police & the #Police continue to enjoy the protections of the state and society-at-large while they Tyranize black and brown people.
In NJ I was driving my new BMW. I got a flat and had to call bmw to pick me up and the car. I’m waiting late night on the side of the road and saw a cop. I was happy as I was afraid being there along waiting. But the cop came up and pulled me out of the car and arrested me and searched my car saying he smaller weed. I had no weed never smoked in the car. I was on the phone with BMW when he hauled me out of the car. He searched while I was in the cop car locked up. He couldn’t find anything and while searching BMW came. They couldn’t find anything so they concocted a lie and showed me a very small piece of brown paper saying it’s weed and wrapped it up in a glassine paper and arrested me. I had to pay $3000.00 to get an attorney. The case was eventually dismissed for lack of evidence. But this was a waste of time, and money. I felt as though my rights were violated. Essentially, people are concerned about their rights and human dignity and cops must understand that. They work for us and whether or not they think I’m committing a crime it’s up to the courts because I am innocent until proven guilty it’s not up to the cops and I am to be treated as such.
Nevertheless, @dr.jamesmurphy1 objected commenting:
I would think that their "look" might be but a minor aspect of what @realDonaldTrump has in mind. What the President wants are scouts ready/willing to FIND ROGUE COPS and do away with them QUICKLY. No more Minneapolis-style deaths ever again, in other words. Its has to be REAL!
I responded to @dr.jamesmurphy1:
A scout to find #RoguePolice ....lol😂 good luck with that. Lol ...That’s the #plan to deal with the suspicions and distrust and the deep hurt that people have of #police. #PoliceBrutality and the #inaction that surrounds their #lawlessnes is not just the action of #roguepolice. 

Moreover: (@RenaldoMcKenzie cont’d):
but is systemic. You will never find rogue cops, because any law enforcement may at any given time snap and abuse their power once they know they are protected and think they have the rights to do so. Police must be accountable for their actions and the system cannot protect that.

Amidst the cynicism and the hate and suspicion, there comes Michael who continued the conversation and dialogue and it was the best one. We became twitter friends. Please follow the conversation below:

@Michael Cooley33:
responded questioning this logic stating that, So by this logic I see it’s ok to label every single person in a group the same as long as one of them does something terrible? Got it thanks

What are you talking about? Explain. Nevertheless our police provided a service and if they constantly practice racial injustice that interferes with their profession, that undermines their moral authority. The killing of black and brown people and police injustice is enough.

I’m referring to the projection of all cops are bad and are judged on actions of a few bad ones. Any race loss of life unjustly by police is tragic but to put all cops in a group is not right. And for you to say “black and brown” when it’s less than white ppl is racist of u.

@RenaldoMcKenzie:All cops aren’t bad but the service is tainted by the few & the system has protected their lawlessness: in order to improve their image & restore credibility one must re-image & re-brand. The few affected the whole; #police violence is systemic with no end.
@RenaldoMcKenzie: (Cont’d):Are all priests bad because of a few bad priest. No, but we demand change & reformation from the church & priesthood and expect that the church that has largely protected priests to pay for their crimes and to change their culture. Priests now marry, the church is changing.
@MichaelCooley33:I agree my friend. I was simply trying to understand ur intent by the original tweet u sent It seemed like u were saying all cops are bad and u mentioned blacks and browns killed by them but nothing about whites. Any death unjustified is tragic no matter the race we can do better@MichaelCooley33: (Cont’d)I agree major reform is needed but going to racism as the cause I don’t see whites are more likely than any other to die in police custody. I think partly due to quickness to fire added to constant defiance of lawful commands. Better training and background checks are needed@RenaldoMcKenzie:There’s deep hatred towards law enforcement officers everywhere and in Jamaica from deep wounds resulting from the past which erodes any respect for law and order. Police from Jamaica brutally murdered my cousin Nerron, I’m still carrying the hurt & pain.
@RenaldoMcKenzie: (Cont’d)They told him to run innocent boy and then opened fire on him as he ran. What vigilante justice for innocent boys who had nothing to do with crime. Police can’t be judge jury and executioners and the problem of lawlessness must deal with those who are charged with upholding it@MichaelCooley33:I completly agee. I will also offer my condolences for your cousin that is heartbreaking to hear and I’m truly sorry your family went thru that. Power is the root problem wether it be a local cop or up to a state governor and beyond. Hopefully these issues bring us together.
@RenaldoMcKenzie:Thank you and yes that’s the greatest miracle and “Ultimate” hope that we live together amidst our differences. That’s what’s important, But can we put aside our differences & live as one without compromise, that’s the divine plan. It starts with dialogue, I fully appreciate you.
@MichaelCooley33:Likewise and I will say dialogue as like this one is very rare it almost always turns to hatred when someone disagrees with you. I appreciate your willingness to converse in a manner such that we both act as adults in an attempt to “figure things out”. I wish you the best sir!
@RenaldoMcKenzie:Thx keep in touch and I will follow
@MichaelCooley33:Yes sir. If you ever make it to Texas I bbq every week in the backyard you are welcome to share my table anytime political ideas aside just food games a beer or 2 and conversation as humans!
RenaldoMcKenzie:Never been but When I do I’ll b there...
Note: #Earl Allen of Jamaica wrote: Tell you Jamaican people that Jamaica is being gradually becoming a military state police state and a political state!!! In the land of the blind the one eye man is king. Beware of what's going to happen in Jamaica when Babylon ready to unleash their tyranny on some people.

Do not have a revolution like Haiti where the country is still reeling from a revolution without thought and sense. A revolution that destroys the very thing they are trying to protect. Jamaicans are part of the masses and not the elite in the world. Don’t take your angst against the local government it has to be international. Police killings are real but we can’t get rid of them or destroy the country. Jamaica is not a first world country. Jamaica does not bounce back easily. Don’t be foolish. Save the little resources you have and come together to pressure the international leaders to assist with making jamaica great again. And continue to  create a culture of professional policing. 

And please do not politicize this issue. That’s when change become Difficult because we take sides and wear labels. Don’t build up walls that make it hard for change. @KingsleyGrant ❘ Founder - Emōtelligence Leadership Institute shared #DaleCarnegie position on change: “A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still”. This sounds defeated... and I wonder if #dale is convinced of this opinion he shared and whether he’s willing to change. But... #change is never easy especially when a man has reached a place of conviction on a matter. However it takes much Dialogue and openness and even after that change may not occur; but here is the compromise, we have to be willing to compromise & live with our difference of opinions.JoeyTagliabue commented via twitter: You need to start being a part of the solution not the problem. Let’s all stand together to figure out what works. It starts in communities not the federal government. We have to all come together.  We the people!!I replied: You joined the conversation here late & should review all the comments/posts made before you jump to a conclusion or make an assumption about something that has already been done or said. The police serve us; we want them to serve us all in one way not a way for blacks vs whites.I continued with my response: My point exactly. But it starts with dialogue at the grassroots level & the federal leaders must be involved because we need legislation to effect the kind of #PoliceReform that restores trust & credibility & one where police are held at a higher standard in enforcing the laws.I hear some saying #ALLLIVESMATER as if to say the #BlackLivesMatter  is unfair & impartial. Nonsense. To be impartial one has to be partial to those who have endured years of injustice & violence over their oppressors. #AllLivesMatter but #Black more often than not are affected

You can follow Renaldo or the conversation and post a comment via twitter.com/RenaldoMcKenzie or renaldo’s blog


  1. @dr.jamesmurphy1 responded to my post via #twitter saying: I would think that their "look" might be but a minor aspect of what @realDonaldTrump has in mind. What the President wants are scouts ready/willing to FIND ROGUE COPS and do away with them QUICKLY. No more Minneapolis-style deaths ever again, in other words. Its has to be REAL!

  2. I replied: A scout to find #RoguePolice ....lol😂 good luck with that. Lol ...That’s the #plan to deal with the suspicions and distrust and the deep hurt that people have of #police. #PoliceBrutality and the #inaction that surrounds their #lawlessnes is not just the action of #roguepolice. but is systemic. You will never find rogue cops, because any law enforcement may at any given time snap and abuse their power once they know they are protected and think they have the rights to do so. Police must be accountable for their actions and the system cannot protect that

  3. ‪@Beverly Anne (Twitter: @TribeforFreedom) responded to my post via twitter saying: fanatics on the left planning on changing their scary looks??

  4. I replied: This has nothing to with the #Left or #Right. #Police provides a service to all citizens of whatever pedigree. So if they provide a service they must look & act like the service they are paid to provide. Right now that look/ “act” are suspect &minimize their ability to serve.

  5. BLACKJACK via (twitter.com/Shamele72777451)suggested that we
    "Put them in dresses".

  6. Who’s_Yo_PAHMPIT suggested via twitter.com/Pahmpit that we "
    Put corrupt murderers with badges in handcuffs behind bars"

  7. all_cops_aren't_bicyclists took it a step further sayig via twitter.com/C_rless replying to mu post saying
    “Rebrand” refers to taking old stock, giving it a new name and continuing to sell that same product".

    Let’s not rebrand the police, let’s make a whole new product.

  8. Ben Wrassle cursed at this idea and dialogue via twitter.com/moocow103 Replying to
    @RenaldoMcKenzie stated "why is this shit promoted".

  9. I responded via twitter.com/RenaldoMckenzie saying
    "I’d say don’t hold on to your judgements always be open to change and updates"

  10. I am not against having Law and Order, I am against the undermining of law and order by those who are called to uphold and serve it. They are to be held at a higher standard than any. And they are to be adjudged harsher as well. Moral authority and credibility gives the Police to Act. And when that is in question then they loose their essence, their moral currency and power, their ability to influence. It is not the Gun that gives Law enforcement they moral authority to act, it is the trust that people have in them which is built overtime by being just, fair and true to all.

  11. see actions being taken by our leaders to deal with police violence: https://twitter.com/reuters/status/1273343649179369475?s=21

  12. There are those threatening for violence and making the issue in Jamaica political: but I charged: Tell you Jamaican people that Jamaica is being gradually becoming a military state police state and a political state!!! In the land of the blind the one eye man is king.

  13. Do not have a revolution like Haiti where the country is still reeling from a revolution without thought and sense. A revolution that destroys the very thing they are trying to protect. Jamaicans are part of the masses and not the elite in the world. Don’t take your angst against the local government it has to be international. Police killings are real but we can’t get rid of them or destroy the country. Jamaica is not a first world country. Jamaica does not bounce back easily. Don’t be foolish. Save the little resources you have and come together to pressure the international leaders to assist with making jamaica great again. And continue to create a culture of professional policing. And please do not politicize this issue. That’s when change become Difficult because we take sides and wear labels. Don’t build up walls that make it hard for change.

  14. https://twitter.com/davidthomas: “You [RenaldoMcKenzie] are a racist sob”.

  15. I [RenaldoMcKenzie] am Human...who recognize injustice and want that to change

  16. Thx for you comment which gives me a chance to share who I Am. I never hated Trump but his advisors who are advancing some shortsighted and myopic agenda that serves the few over the many. Let us be one and look after our brothers and sisters who are systematically oppressed.

  17. You need to start being a part of the solution not the problem. Let’s all stand together to figure out what works. It starts in communities not the federal government. We have to all come together. We the people!! (@joeytagliabue)


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