Breaking: US Bans Freedom of Expression, Is America An Autocratic-Socialist Country?
defends Russian interference in our election and complains that Facebook is bias and interferes in free speech. And he is here interfering in it himself. Why would he complain about Facebook doing it but is signing an order to band free speech and expressive media.
Example NAFTA was good until it disadvantaged or spread the wealth so that American gains are minimized. So he pulls out of NAFTA to negotiate one that reestablishes power and greater trade advantages and gain on his side.
Trump’s actions here sends a bad message questioning our reputation about America as a democracy and the leader of freedoms and expressions. You think America is a democratic-capitalist country? One that Weber talks about, with all the spirit and the Protestant ethic of hard work and savings and investments? No it’s not, it’s about connectionism, association, nepotism, the status quo, control, power, white privilege and profit for a few.
You think it’s a democratic country that allows free expressions and mediums like TikTok? No, It’s not. It’s an autocratic-socialist country, like China and Russia. Except that China declares autocratic-socialism publicly, while America’s autocratic-socialism is sublime and subtle.
They say it’s a democracy with freedoms of expressions and human rights; but the US is banning freedom of expression. They say it’s a free market but it’s not. They say that we have a perfectly competitive system but that’s a facade. The fed and reserve still controls the stocks market and currencies, and opportunities are based on white privilege, policing is different based on race and price is not set by market forces of demand and supply purely.
And just so you know, the kind of socialism we’re talking about here is not the one that Marx talked about. I’m talking about the one Lenin had... autocracy and bureaucracy. They point to these dictatorships as if that’s what socialism is and that’s what’s America is not, when we practice policies that is exactly that.
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