President Trump Signs Executive Order to help Americans amidst Liberals backlash

I tweeted on #Friday regarding the #PandemicreliefFund “great news  #trump is planning on using executive powers amidst #congress failings to extend #Covid relief funds and will also offer payroll #tax relief. This is good for not just #Trump re-election efforts but it shows us that he is human afterall.
By Saturday President Trump signs #executiveorder to help Struggling #Americans; bypassing #congress who are gridlocked & failed & too weak to provide needed help to #Americans NOW. The mainstream media says “#trump attempted to seize power”. But when Obama did it, they cheered. @Yannicklungu responded “Although I love his idea, he has no authority over how money should be used, only Congress” But in my rebuttal replied that he has executive authority when Congress is at a standstill & a #pandemic affecting Americans; He has a duty as an executive to do something until congress acts. 
Gerald Pantophlet being parochial retorted “N many are falling for it unfortunately. This is clearly an election tactic. He has no feelings whatsoever. All of a sudden he’s talking about healthcare and pre-existing conditions, extending the benefits etc. just two weeks ago he was against all. Please pay attention and not be gullible. It’s all a tactic and it’s working 🤦🏿‍♂️”. But I rebut Gérald Pantophlet statement posting that “well he’s a businessman and an entrepreneur and they’re very strategic and if he has to change to win why not. OBAMA had to change tactics after he realized being too soft and neutral and trying to wait for Republicans while nothing got done. C’Mon if it means we’re getting good stuff, I’ll take it after all that’s what business do they try to outsell the other in order to win”. 
Geral Patophlet replied: “I hope he appreciates your vote. 👌🏿 he doesn’t,  he could care less about him and his support of a fool!  Trump cares about nobody but himself.  He is very crafty tho,  he can get foolish ass POC’s to vote for him...this post is exhibit A
I concluded writing that: @ Gérald Pantophlet I would if I did vote that way idk. but don’t be parochial and trapped in seeing the bigger picture of life. Everyone is tactical and we all benefit in some degree whether directly or indirectly from that tactic. Nevertheless, I’m a neutral being and I can have independent thought. I don’t always criticize the present as if everything he does is bad. If you follow my posts you’d see I am a heavy critic of the President but I’m also fair and think widely about all things. So should you.
Cornell Anthony L Manning joined in on the debate saying via Facebook: “As a general rule.. Anything Trump says, I believe the opposite. And anything he does is mostly for self-benefit. The man is incapable of showing genuine empathy.” 
I disagreed saying: @Cornell Anthony L. Manning well he actually did what he promised. Yet you say here he doesn’t pointing to past events. Well if what you say is true and he executed this time, then he has done an unprecedented thing in promising to sign the order to help and then signed it. 
Avery D Posey also joined in saying “@Renaldo C. Mckenzie It has no teeth. He can’t control the purse, Congress does. So what’s the point of signing a pointless order? Politics”
I replied: @Avery D Posey Jr you answered your own rhetoric... politics. And what is politics... American Politics and decision making. It’s deals, nepotism, special interest and tactics so as to advance an agenda of the people. This politicking benefits the masses especially during an election time because that’s when the 90% gets some benefit or value. Verizon tries to outsell ATT by providing perks and cheaper rates so that they can remain on top. Politicians do it and this works in our interest at times. Further I believe congress now has something to work with let’s see what they do but if they fail the president has a constitutional duty to act until congress do so. I bet that they will now act and there goes the point. Avery. 
Lulumba Haye in Jamaica tried to educate us on American politics and this Order saying via Facebook: Understand the details of those orders and long term and political mess because of it.   Seems cool on the surface.  Those payroll tax cut is a deferment.  We don't know what next year will look like just like we didn't see this covid coming this year. If you can do $400 why not keep it at $600.  $740 billion for military budeget.  People are staying home because they don't want to die.  Black and Brown people make up the majority of essential workers keeping this thing going so who are they talking about; When they say people are being paid to stay home?   The underlying thing is this most big box store was losing money against online shopping covid accelerated that movement,  greedy corporations    for decades was looking for a legal way to shrink their workforce,  bypass unions and go automated or find ways to lower the pay rates of their workers, or restructuring most contracts to their advantage.  Covid was a god send to these companies.  Unemployment is gonna linger for awhile until the dust is truly settled.  Covid has exposed the corporations and government can do all those things they have been reluctant to because powerful people with agendas was keep things at a status qua. It has exposed unnecessary, bias, lies and  restrictions against lower income people.  It has exposed the weakness of the medical field without clear guidelines or leadership,  it has exposed other underlying systematic bias and racism across the board, in politics,  housing, education and medical.  So Obama was being blocked by the very same people in the Senate. He had to govern that way to get things done.  Here they hold the Senate and the White house.  His orders is grand standing. The house was working with the white house directly (the Treasury and Chief of staff works for the President) remember Mitchell purposely stay out of the negotiations.   Mitchell had the house bill since May.  All this was unavoidable.  Obama and Trump motives are clearly deferent.  At this point close to an election.
I replied: @ Lulumba Haye no $400 is enough some are taking advantage of the relief and others are getting way more than their normal weekly earnings so your point is a moot and mute one.
Jake Yuyeyama agreed with me saying @ Renaldo C. Mckenzie I agree. I 100% took advantage of making 950 dollars a week, although I saved almost all of it, a person does not need almost a grand a week to live, at least for the tome . I’ve seen people buy things like motorcycles, new cars, and things that are completely unnecessary. That money is supposed to pay your bills, and feed you or your family. Period. 
I replied: @ Jake Uyeyama thank you for agreeing and being flexible and honest about what has been the case. 


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