Black On Black Crime Is Just As Bad As Police Violence!
#BlackOnBlack #crime is just as bad as #policeviolence. Here we are condemning #PoliceBrutality on #blacklives & how do they respond, black men brutally murdered #cory last night in #NorthPhilly. And just two weeks ago several young blackmen in Philly armed with heavy weapons, in an attempt to murder a young rapper #poundside, shot and killed an innocent woman, only injuring poindside and killing the woman. How defeatist & how 😢 and shameful. How hypocritical pharisaical. Further with all these killings, it begs the question: Why are people so quick to shoot to kill as a solution to their problems? Life is no longer valued as the ultimate moral responsibility to protect above all. Do we only value the life of an unborn child or animals over our own brothers and sisters. Can we not find other meaningful ways to resolve issues and work out our differences? The Ultimate Commandment to “Not Kill” does not weigh on us heavily be it police or civilian? Unless we have no conscience and have lost our humanity as we reduce God and his laws to our wild creation and own limited interpretations. Or we abandon such vocation all together.
Natasha replied: Black on Black crime is farce. In the US most people live in homogeneous neighborhoods therefore crimes will be committed intraracially. White on white crime is statistically the same. In addition, a police officer's job is to protect and serve ALL people.
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