Police Chief Engages In “Argumentum Ad Absurdum” To Justify Jacob Blake’s Shooting

The Acting Chief of Police of the Rhode Island Airport Helen Ricci wrote an article in #LinkedIn attempting to explain and defend the actions of the police and to provide the circumstances leading up to the shooting. But in an effort to defend the police and accuse Blake she was being unjust and limited ignoring the institution of law and order, the processes of justice and police protocols. This was her story detailing the events leading up to the shooting:

"Innocent," & "unarmed," Jacob Blake, as people have labeled him, Jacob Blake who was there why, to revictimize a woman whom he sexually attacked and away from whom he was supposed to stay (not now getting into Kenosha Police Officers' handling of the incident, but perhaps people need to reconsider their presuppositions, before claiming not just "unarmed," but going as far as to claim his "innocence")?
"KENOSHA, Wis. (WBAY) - A man shot by a Kenosha police officer admitted he had a knife in his possession, according to the Wisconsin Department of Justice.
According to a preliminary report from the DOJ, a woman called police Sunday evening saying her boyfriend was there and wasn’t supposed to be on the premises..." (Hellen Ricci).

“Argumentum ad absurdum”
Allegation of sexual abuse leads to killing a man in the back. Guilt before innocence. And When does a knife justify several cops shooting a man in the back. And he didn’t even have a knife. Helen Ricci you’re twisting the story: reports are a knife was on the drivers side inside the vehicle. But how do you know he was gonna use it against several heavily armed police officers who were already engaging him. That would be nonsensical yet you bring this ridiculous argument.

Moreover, This is exactly why the Police needs Reform. A matter like this needed domestic relations intervention. A matter like this needed to have been de-escalated. But you have no facts just allegations of domestic abuse between two people and you the police walked in taking a side and shooting down one of the partners in the relations accused by the other without knowing what’s happening. This is incredible and revealing. Helen Ricci has the audacity to provide a story justifying police actions that does nothing but show their unprofessionalism and irrelevance on domestic relations issue. Here we have 2 people in a domestic dispute where one called police on the other which is what usually happens sometimes, and then the police engages as judge jurors and executioners. This is not a police matter really and the police can’t take sides on the matter. Where’s the supposed victim who called the police. Was there physical altercation happening at the time between the couple that required police to shoot. No they were trigger hungry and clearly escalated the situation to a boiling point of no return. The situation was already tense if in fact there was a call of domestic problems yet you walked in with guns and heavily armed. 

If our Police chief cant police and don’t understand what “good” policing is and offers a diluted inexcusable reason how can can we expect any better from plain clothes police. Our police leaders don’t have a clue about policing and what their roles and duty entails. We need to go back to the drawing board. 
In fact today there’s a story in the New York Times questioning police accounts: “Can you trust the #police to tell the #truth? Reliability under scrutiny As cases are tossed or rejected by #prosecutors, the reliability of #policeaccounts increasingly is being challenged amid a push for #criminaljusticereform... example: #Spruill claims in a #lawsuit filed last week that the deputies from the #CenturyStation fabricated the story and withheld #evidence that contradicted their version of events....
After posting this, I had several comments defending Helen and critiquing my position. Here’s one such critique and my reply below:

#BruceClark  CEO of #newclientsinc defended #PoliceBrutality on #JacobBlake saying: “The guy had a knife, resisting arrest. What part of this don’t YOU PEOPLE don’t get?” But it is Bruce Clark who is disillusioned and blind. #KyleRittenhouse had an automatic rifle passed several police & was allowed to kill 2 people and injured another blowing off his arm. But you say #Blake had a knife (where? In the car not on him) and yet you justify shooting him down. #BruceClark it is you who don’t get it as yet! And when does Allegation of #domesticrelations needed that kind of police response. It needed to be de-escalated.  If there were tensions between partners why go in with guns to incite? That’s why police reform is needed. I’m talking about law and order and proper policing that will #alleviate many of these ills. Get it Right #HelenRicci and #BruceClark. Police Chief Engages In “Argumentum Ad Absurdum” To Justify Jacob Blake’s Shooting Police Chief Engages In “Argumentum Ad Absurdum” To Justify Jacob Blake’s Shooting


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