CEO of New Client Inc Bruce Clark “Rips” Black Culture and Says that It Is Blacks Not Police That Need Reform

Black lives do not matter. Black is whack. That is what Bruce Clark CEO of New Clients Inc would want you to believe. #BruceClark of New Clients Inc. Rips Black culture and Says that Black People Not Police Needs Reform... they commit 47% of all crimes, responsible for all fatherless children, carry guns, debase women and have awful music.” That’s the real problem. But he is so misguided, racist and illogical using general argument about a particular case of police brutality. Such ignoramus.
However, Bruce was only trying to agree with Helen and disagree with me regarding the story the police offered about why they shoot Blake. 
Bruce Clark CEO of #newclientsinc defended #PoliceBrutality on #JacobBlake saying: “The guy had a knife, resisting arrest. What part of this don’t YOU PEOPLE don’t get?” But it is Bruce Clark who is disillusioned and blind. 
#KyleRittenhouse had an automatic rifle passed several police & was allowed to kill 2 people and injured another blowing off his arm. But you say #Blake had a knife (where? In the car not on him) and yet you justify shooting him down. Bruce Clark it is you who don’t get it as yet! And when does Allegation of domestic relations needed that kind of police response. It needed to be de-escalated. If there were tensions between partners why go in with guns to incite? That’s why police reform is needed. I’m talking about law and order and proper policing that will alleviate many of these ills. Get it Right Helen Ricci and Bruce Clark. Police Chief Engages In “Argumentum Ad Absurdum” To Justify Jacob Blake’s Shooting

Bruce responded:
Actually what’s needed is black Americans reform. Stop committing 47% of all violent crime. Stop impregnating women and then walking away asking the state to raise them. Stop glorifying drug use gun violence and the debasement of women in rap music. Listen to the black music of Motown and compare it to the garbage out today. WAP, it’s disgraceful!!

I replied: Bruce Clark there we go, we finally unearth your true colors. We finally got to the real issues here. You are so myopic, parochial and bias. You say blacks commit 47% of all crimes? That’s the story here. You demonize blacks to sell your story of black violence and to justify your discrimination and unfair practices. You think only blacks commit crime when #Rittenhouse just did that. Is he black or white. You say blacks don’t have fathers, some do, but thanks to slavery and discrimination and income inequality caused by you and your fathers we are living the life you described. Yet you are untrue to the facts. But who cares right? You are clearly ethnocentric and racist advocating for one particular life over another and demonizing one life over another as if that solves or justify the problem. The police acted out of a story that you just delivered. Some White people think that about Black people. What a shame. BlackLives will never matter!

After this blog was posted, Bruce commented:
Stop twisting my words and print exactly what I posted not you liberal spin on it. Try telling the truth!

I replied:
Bruce Clark be careful what you say because in effect that is what you said. You threw aspersions on black people castigating them as criminals and demeaning their music without understanding it or their symbolism in their music and being insensitive to the pain and grief of george Floyd and Breanna and so on diluting it down to black misfits as if we are all evil in fact as if to say white people don’t kill or have demons in their closet. But our demons needs reform? And police was right. You were irresponsible and lack good judgement and don’t know when and how to speak as a leader at a very precarious and sensitive time. You missed the opportunity to understand and provide compassion and a viable solution that does not put down.

 Bruce replied saying:
You know that I did not say all Black people are bad. I said no such thing and do not believe that. There are many millions of good hardworking decent blacks all over our country. I stated facts now you may not like them but there they are. Your entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts.
Everyone has condemned the death of George Floyd including me. And the police who did this have been charged. But his death is not a reason for burning down our cities and killing innocent police and civilians. Period! And Americans are not racist. If we were how did Obama get elected twice? And black music? Motown produced some of the most beautiful music ever! Rap music is what it is and you can explain it away however you want. Stop making excuses for bad behavior it only allows it to continue.
In 2019 there were ten million arrests. Of this number there were 47 people shot and killed by police who were unarmed. Of this number 8 were black. So where’s the systemic racism in these figures?
If you really care about your fellow black Americans you’ll stop telling lies and exaggerating and look at what are the real problems. It’s not the police and it’s not whites and it’s not something that happened 250 yrs ago!

I replied:
You made derogatory and incendiary comments about black culture in general. You don’t even know or remember what you said: you made scathing generalizations about black people and never parsed your words. You said: “Actually what’s needed is black Americans reform”. Stop committing 47% of all violent crime. Stop impregnating women and then walking away asking the state to raise them. Stop glorifying drug use gun violence and the debasement of women in rap music. When you said that we’re you talking about all black people or some yet you never said some you said All. So now you try to pretend as if you did not say it.

I continued saying @Bruce Clark @Helen Ricci @Fox News Media , Don’t defeat your previous stance against police brutality on black lives. And make an effort to understand the deep issues calling for change that demonize blacks over their white brothers and disproportionately criminalize, incarcerate and arrest them. Everyone is innocent until guilty and whether or not Blake had a knife in the car does not excuse heavy lethal force in an already tense situation between couples. Find a better approach that mitigates the kind of violence we are here trying to minimize. Be a part of the solution. Hold those charged with upholding justice and law accountable and demand that they do so with decency, dignity and professionalism with the protection of life as foremost. Try and de-escalate instead of escalate and understand that we see unfairness in the system when the police engage blacks. This unfairness comes from deep unbiased misguided assumptions and generalizations about all blacks people that you now are spewing out. 

Bruce rebutted saying:
It’s clear you’re part of the problem. Twisting my words and making excuses. That’s fine with me as Jim Rohn a famous success coach once stated “ some will, some won’t, so what?

I’ll leave you with this. Stop committing crimes, resisting arrest and thing’s will most definitely get better for everyone involved. Hey how about the Presidents new crime bill? That’s definitely a step in the right direction correct?

I replied:
Bruce Clark there you go again saying that I’m twisting your words and that you did not say all blacks yet when we look at the record here it’s quite clear that you made a generalization about black people using incendiary tone and ethnocentric vices. And if it were not evident you came back here making more scathing generalizations about either me or Blacks committing crimes urging us to stop. But equally so should the police and white people and everyone who engages in crime and violence. But what is worse is when those charged with upholding and executing the law abrogate their duties and take on more power to unfairly pick out a particular group and meet vigilante justice out to them. What’s worse is when you continue this racial injustice to demonize blacks in general and ignore the real problem and others committing crimes.

Bruce replied defending Rittenhouse the white 17 year old boy who killed the 2 Black protesters:
He acted in self defense being attacked by the mob that’s supports the Marxist group BLM. And you be the cop being threatened by the knife and tell me what you’d do? I’m a 5th degree Black Belt Karate Master and would not want to have to disarm an enraged and apparently high person who been tased with no effect and neither would you. Stop committing the crimes and resisting arrest!!

I concluded:
Bruce Clark there you go again defending the status quo and the oppressor and demonizing the victim so as to justify violence. Isn’t it funny that’s in cases involving Black Death, it’s always their fault. And in cases involving white death it’s never their fault especially when blacks are identified as the suspects. Isn’t it funny that the police were right to shoot Blake and Blake was wrong. Isn’t it funny that it is Rittenhouse that is right in killing 2 peaceful protesters and it is the peaceful protesters who were deserving of death because they were who rioting and violent protesters threatening lives. Wow. Change will never come FORGET IT GUYS!!!

Bruce continues:
Phil, M.A I stated statistics you can look them up at the FBI or Washington Post. We’re done here goodbye 👋

As if we weren’t finished I continued the debate with this reply:
Bruce Clark you state nothing of facts or importance only numbers without context and statistics that bias your opinion. You should also look at other facts and stats that shed light on your stats which you are yet to present. Stats that show how blacks are disproportionately incarcerated and have less resources to defend themselves and are not as connected and how many blacks are on death row who don’t belong their. What about how we criminalize black communities and have high surveillance in those compared to that of white communities and how about income inequality and poverty and lower educational opportunities and output which create a life of “opportunity”. You dabble in stats without the relevant intellectualism to discern its proper context and interpret it wholly and critically. You have not presented stats but ideas in vacuum or devoid of the rigor of investigation and processes of logical and or didactic scrutiny. Yet you make a conclusion on those spurious claims yet to be evaluated.


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