Police Reform in #America Must include Rebranding the Police ...Change their “LOOK”
#PoliceReform Must also include rebranding the #PoliceForce; changing their anti friendly countenance, stance, color, clothes and updating their car. Their “LOOK” needs to become more customer or #CommunityService Friendly. Moral Authority is a currency that has lost value for Law Enforcement and when a currency looses its value it must change, the state must intervene just as the Federal Reserve Bank intervenes to protect its monetary value of its currency in this case the state needs to constantly intervene in the currency of its law enforcement. But this has never been the case. #Democrats and #Republicans are all guilty of their indifference and soft approach to dealing with and restoring the credibility of the police. States always seem to fail to act or are too slow to protect the integrity of its people and the currency of its police due to political and ideological differences that has nothing to do with building a strong #Policdforce for all people. A force that ser...