
#Sunday The #Moors were the #BlackKings (and Queens) who Ruled #Europe for over 700 Years...

#Sunday The #Moors were the #BlackKings (and Queens) who Ruled #Europe for over 700 Years... Yet when you hear of black people’s history it’s all about slavery, weaknesses, defeat and poverty. But our complete history is one that is corrupted to continue theft and abuse.  Read the full story @

McDonalds In Philly Looses Lots of Money Due To Chronic Unprofessionalism

You Know, places like #McDonalds in #Philly could make more money especially at nights if they have some serious people working their who at least try to be professional, efficient & effective. They act as if you’re begging a service & they can’t be bothered. They act as if they’re at high school. And why should we pay taxes for subsidized education when our schools are failing miserably to put out an educated, professional and customer friendly labor force. The kids are severely lacking and only want to make a quick buck.  How can I be in the drive thru line for 45 minutes with only 2 cars ahead on me. And then you get the wrong order. It’s becoming chronic. #McDonalds need to address this. Their franchise owners are not managing their franchises well. There’s absolutely no supervision.

A Case Of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”: How Trump Lost the Elections And Cried Fraud!

#Elections2020 #Trump is texting everywhere saying: “The media is working overtime to convince that VOTER FRAUD didn't happen in the Election! THEY ARE WRONG! Help Pres. Trump & DONATE NOW:”. But  Isn’t he doing the same thing... trying to convince that it did happen, with very little to no evidence as if “ex nihilo” comes something;  and using various mixture of tactics that claim voter fraud while trying to encourage and pushed policies that promotes voter suppression. It’s like when a NJ cop pulled up behind me while I was waiting in my BMW motorcar for the BMW concierge service late one night in the middle of nowhere on an highway and abruptly ordered me out of my car, handcuffed me and then started to search my car for something that was not. He determined that I had some contraband in the car without evidence and then searched for the evidence with hopes to find something that corroborated his unreasonable and baseless assertions. And then when he coul...

Do Not Let #Covid Make Your Thanksgiving A Sad and Dull One.

Should you scrap Thanksgiving because of Covid pandemic fears; with millions of people infected already and numbers rising again and no control in sight before tomorrow’s big day of social interactions and communal gathering that’s usually fillled with kisses and hugs touching and eating, partying and or praying.  Some States’ Governors are recommending or even trying to enforce the limiting of the number of family members at private gatherings this thanksgiving which is outrageous and unamerican. But that will be discussed further in another story or blog. What is concerning is that Some officials have gone as far as to circulate stories example this one suggesting this crazy hypothesis:  “On day 8: Casey enjoyed thanksgiving with 17 family members while contagious.  On day 10: Casey developed symptoms and tested positive for covid-19. Don’t be like Casey this Thanksgiving season.” But I’d say, to hell with that! Let’s not scrap thanksgiving and practice safe social gath...

How Can We Have Laws Mandating Motorists Driving To Have Motor Vehicle Insurance But Fight Against The Mandate To Have Health Insurance.

How can we have a law that mandates motorists driving to have Motor vehicle insurance but fight against the mandate to have health insurance. If Obamacare’s Mandate is unconstitutional so too is the law that forces us to have car insurance.  Moreover, how can we have such a law to have car insurance and then allow private insurance companies to profit from this law by charging exorbitant sums of money for insurance from poor and working people (motorists) and at times will cancel and report lapse policies thereby creating huge economic hardships for people who depend on their ability to drive which these companies have the power to take away.  If truth be told, it would seem that the city governments work in concert with these private insurance companies to adjudicate people’s lives and to ensure profitability of these insurance companies, which may suggest a conflict of interest issue. We must pay an insurance premium to a private company that can threaten to cancel yo...

The Global And US Covid Response Strategy Is Not Comprehensive Enough

“New coronavirus daily cases in the United States hit another record high Wednesday, with 140,543 reported and more expected before the end of the day.”   The Global and US Covid strategy is not comprehensive enough. In fact it’s narrow and political. There are more things we can do than just socially distancing ourselves or masking. We should not place too much on social distancing when having a strong immune system that is not shocked or compromised based on healthy and fit living and habits may prove to be more vital than just masks and distancing.  Every year hundreds of thousands of people die from the flu virus; and who are these people who contract and or die from it? Those with weakened or vulnerable immune system, who, at some point in time are exposed to viruses that eventually take over their bodies and may terminate if they have other terminal illnesses and extremely compromised systems that exacerbate the issue.  Closing the gyms, shutting down the bar...

#Donald Trump Is No Longer The President as of January 20, 2021. We Can Now Breathe!

#Breaking #Election2020  @JoeBiden is now #PresidentElect and the #46th #USPresident. @KamalaHarris is now the first ever elected Black and mixed race and First generation #Jamaican American woman to a US #VP. Note:  @JoeBiden Don’t try & be like @BarackObama where at first he tried to be a President for all by compromising liberalism for #Conservatism; When #GOP blocked everything & then later campaigned that you & #Obama did nothing. The GOP senate blocked everything! Let’s take GA #senate  #Election2020 @BarackObama was a pivotal factor in those last few weeks that helped to turn out the #Philadelphia #Mail #Vote #Obama was everywhere on #socialmedia & energizing women and young people and the #blackvote in Philly #PA something that #Hilary didn’t do. Obama HELPED!

2020Election Is A “Battle Of The Sexes”: Men Versus Women; Biden Will Get The Women’s vote & Trump, Men’s Support

#Monday #Election2020 #Prediction: #Americans will #Wakeup or #stayup for the #news that @realDonaldTrump looses to @JoeBiden to become the next #USPresident @TheDemocrats take back #Senate, keep #House! ( @GOP continues to control the #SupremeCourt)  #Women are going to be the deciding factor in this #2020Election. It’s not the #Latinovote or the #Blackvote perse; but Women will prove an important group in this election that #Hillary never had. If truth be told many #Women did not like her.  In fact the 2020Election is gonna be a battle between or of the sexes: #men versus #Women,  where #Biden will enjoy the majority of the women’s vote and #trump the men. However, while #Trump may enjoy men’s support, he does benefit from the fact that most men in general don’t usually vote in comparison to their women counterpart who are going for #Biden and do vote!  Moreover, Biden will get more of the college educated and catholic male vote and this group of men do vote. ...

What’s Really Unfair... Having To Wait Or Not Having One’s Votes Counted?

Over 47 Millions of Americans have voted early mainly via mail-in ballots, almost half of all votes casted in 2016. Covid and Trump have driven up remote and early voting and pundits believe majority of the early votes cast are democrats or for Biden. Trump is challenging some states decision to wait up to 9 days after the election to released the results so as to include mail-in or absentee ballots that may come in several days after Election Day. He argues that It’s not fair for voters who voted on Election Day to have to wait 9 days for mail-in or absentee ballots to be counted to know the results of the election. But how’s that unfair to those voters If you’re votes are still counted! You’d only have to wait a couple more days.  What’s really unfair is if election results are released without including the millions who voted via absentee or mail-in ballots thereby disenfranchising millions of these voters and discounting their rights and votes as merely a waste of time and mone...

50 Cent Is Black; But He Is Also Part of the 1% So...

#Wednesday #50cent is #black & he is #voting for #DonaldTrump so all black people should vote for #donaldtrump. But wait! @50cent is also part of the #1% & a member of the #globalelites; so am I to identify with him based on my #blackness when he identifies more with the 1%? #neoliberalism. You see #Race, #Gender, #Sex, #Religion, #Wealth are tools utilized by the #statusquo or those #incharge to maintain or expand their #power. #neoliberalism is a new form of #discrimination where power or the global elites, be it the small core group of white, black or brown people, are separate and apart from their racial communities and engage in global expansionism that imposes itself on their global masses. #50cent and #icecube are more concerned with their power and their wealth and couldn’t care less about how paying their fair share can help their black brothers, the poor and marginal and all America deal with economic inequality and development. Note: By the way, There are those who a...