Ignorance and False truth: a Theory of Exploiting the Masses
I published an excerpt from an academic essay I wrote sometime ago stating that: We cannot get rid of economic recession and joblessness, because they serve the ruling class' interests. When the economy is tight, the wealthy and those capitalists can strengthen their hegemony over the masses. In effect, they are in a better position to exploit the one production factor controlled by the Working Class, labor. So with jobs scarce, and unemployment high, the ruling class dictates the terms of employment by cutting salaries and benefits with much favor and without fear from the masses. In a depressed economy, with the illusion of limited jobs created by the ruling class to weaken the bargaining position of the working class will result in inequity or unequal distribution of income and wealth. Recently, the US Census reports that more people are poor since the recession and over the last five years the income of the wealthy has increased while the reverse has happened among the working...