The Idea of “God” (An Abstract Reflection into the “keys to unlocking Divine Intervention”)
The Idea of “God”
(A Brief Reflection into the “keys to unlocking Divine Intervention”)
God is real in so much as you want Him/Her/“It” to be real.
Not that God isn’t or is an existential being limited by time or space or human minds; as the Divine is than that which nothing greater that can be conceived or imagined....
God is... and is... whether or not or how we believe. For if we say a thing does not exist, it does not exist within our ability to make sense of a thing’s reality or essence. For reality is within and made evident from ones self and Descartes did advance that “cogito ergo sum”.
Certainly, your faith will take you as far as the extent of your faith. The fact is, “God” is, but is everything and more.
GOD is the Ultimate and yet Christian, Jew, Hindu, Muslim, Darwinist, Catholic, Protestant, Thiest and Athiest etc. For God is colorful and has many sides and has made it so that we relate to Him/Her/“It” in various ways and means. When we say “God” that’s semantics! What is ultimately real about that “God” is what is of essence.
God is our creation, and when we say we’re Christian or of any faith for that matter what we mean is the way or the lenses we choose to make sense of God. (Roman Catholic faith from which Christianity as an institution based its faith is itself a human invention, thanks to Ignatius and his pers who hijacked Christian individuality and made it an institution).
God is our creation yet that creation is created by God; In that we may think we create god or Christianity or any faith but then that came from within a deep drive, a seed planted by the divine in the first place which shape the many ways that his seed in us has shot out plants and trees of various kinds species with many beautiful and colorful blooms (of various thoughts philosophies, religions, denominations and positions; but none is greater than the other as all are the multiplicity of the ways of this eclectic God.
Importantly, however we see the Ultimate, God is and will intervene in so far as we let him/her/it intervene and in so far as we believe. And what’s the greatest miracle and the ultimate of all things and of he or she or it that made us... that we become one and live as one with all of our various individualities and polities.
Check out my book “keys to unlocking Divine Intervention” where I discuss 7 key points to accessing divine intervention. Coming in March 2021.
Sources to consider:
1. The Evolution of the Idea of God: An Inquiry Into the Origin of Religions
2. The Idea of God: How Religion Shapes and Sustains Civilization
3. The Christian Idea of God
4. God Versus the Idea of God: Divinity Is What We Think, Faith Is What We Experience
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