Critical Thinking, A Better Solution to Regulating Disinformation
This is a Repost of a blog done for a lecture on Critical thinking at The Jamaica Theological Seminary, Caribbean Thought Course I facilitated sometime ago. It has been updated as at Sunday April 24, 2022. As we think about how to protect against disinformation while we realize effective communication which is “to make popular what was the monopoly,” critical thinking becomes paramount.
While others seek to create laws and policies or regulatory methods, which would suggest that people can’t think for themselves, we are about facilitating learning geared towards augmenting thinking that do the critical thinking that is needed to filter news, narratives and perspectives. Laws do not change anything, it only centralizes ownership and limit acces. Which then create or expand an underground market, which people still have acces to.
Recently, Former President Barack Obama said, “The way I’m going to evaluate any proposal touching on social media and the internet is whether it strengthens or weakens the prospects for healthy, inclusive democracy.” He went on to say that, As part of this, tech platforms need to recognize that they play a unique role in how people consume information, and their decisions have an impact on every aspect of society. Each of us has to pick a side. Do we allow our democracy to wither? Or do we choose to make it better? That’s the choice we face, and it is a choice worth embracing. Solving the disinformation problem won’t cure all that ails our democracies or tears at the fabric of our world. But it can help rebuild the trust and solidarity needed to make democracy stronger. It’s up to each of us to decide what we value, and to use the tools we’ve been given to advance those values. I believe we should use every tool at our disposal to secure our greatest gift – a government of, by, and for the people – for generations to come. With that power comes accountability – and the need for some democratic oversight.” Barack Obama.
AverageC: “I think your viewing this the wrong way President @BarackObama. Decentralization has been the theme of the 21st century. Decentralized news is just the next opportunity. It empowers our democracy by ensuring the 1% can’t own us by buying out a few news channels.”
RenaldoM: Ok let’s talk about it. I have written an article and did a podcast show on this issue and cited you. I’d love to explore the issue with you. Because how can we reconcile the issue of free speech & monopoly of the news or media and media responsibility not just singling out
RenaldoM: What does that mean? We’ve heard great intentions to regulate when it does the opposite of the intentions. How do we guard against that. And what of peoples own responsibilities. It’s assumes people can’t think for themselves and can’t filter news for themselves
SydneyE: “A solid working assumption. If people could think and filter news for themselves, QANON and support for a coup built on one man's lies wouldn't exist. There are no pedo pizza parlors, so case closed. There MUST be a fact check step built into the system. Lies are to easy.”
Renaldo M: But who determines this, when perspectives are pragmatic at best. We don’t need to build another system or institution based on financial backing to fact check. Fact checking can also be sabotaged. Who fact check the fact checkers? What are their positions on all things. People like QANON are driven by that messaging because they’ve locked into.
Renaldo M: People choose to believe the truth or the lies. We are responsible for our actions. We do not need another policy to regulate our actions or to take away personal responsibility.
SydneyE: “From your info, it looks like you've thought about this before, so I'm curious... what is your solution to weaponized disinformation? Ignore it? Pretend it doesn't exist? Tell people to 'be responsible!' If you recognize it as a problem, what is your solution. Serious question.”
Teach people critical teaching skills. To think 💭 for themselves….
Therefore facilitating Critical Thinking is necessary and what is Critical Thinking? It is thinking about thinking and what was previously or is the current thought that build on or debunk information that leads to new discoveries of thought and positions that improves life.
It is deliberately and intentionally reflecting on truths; challenging oneself whether through introspective discourse or engagements with others.
Critical Thinkers aren’t born for critical thinking is a skill and vocation that is developed over time.
To do Critical Thinking is to do analysis. It is looking at things in a metaphysical way. It dissects and does surgery. It is a way of thinking that looks at patterns in action and explore thoughts.
It examines and evaluates what is the obvious and what is not. It does not take sides. It involves having trained ears and eyes that hear and see far and wide.
Critical Thinking is developed through the training of the mind to think in a certain way; as it is explorative thinking. It challenges your own thinking and beliefs. It uses logic common sense and reason. It benefits from expansive thoughts and sequencing of present and past knowledge. It builds on past information.
Critical Thinking is coherent and clear. It follows the laws of logic and reason. It is fair and open. It is sharp and cuts. It goes deep and deeper. But is focused and direct.
Critical thinking may seem to “hurt ones brain” but such thinking is left to those who are devoted to such discourse and vocation as they are “philosopher kings/queens” working to pay their part and make their mark towards revolutionary improvements on the totality of life.
Note: Take for example if you were to read my blog, many of the matters discussed are really explorative and challenges all sides and what is the current thinking. It is a journal of critical thinking that is in the roughest of drafts at best. But it has provided much opportunities to rethink old thoughts as I engage with these posted thougts on social media.
Written by https://renaldocmckenzie.comThe Neoliberal Corporation “Serving the world today to solve tomorrow’s challenges”Https://
This article will be available in The Neoliberal Commentary and The Neoliberal Post later today or tomorrow and will be discussed on our podcast The Neoliberal Round. Https://
So your argument is that the answer to the problem of the proliferation of destructive disinformation is that people need to learn to think critically, and that will solve the problem.
ReplyDeleteIf I had the faith in the intellectual prowess of Joe Citizen that you apparently do, I'd agree... but I don't. I just watched a video of a woman at the Ohio Trump rally who said that Michael Jackson, Princess Di and Jackie O were all alive, and she knew that because "I've done my research". I wouldn't care, except her vote counts exactly as much as mine.
No, the idea that teaching critical thinking solves the problem makes less sense than an argument that if we teach people to be good drivers then we won't need traffic laws.
People aren't as bright nor as capable as we might like, and they do need guidance and rules. Letting each decide for themselves has created what we currently see; political divides, anger and mayhem, and those are not good things. I'm with Barack and many others.