What’s Life Like Living in Philadelphia, Part 5 from Penn State University! And What about Non HBCU’s?
Dream, but don’t dream sleeping, Pray, but don’t pray sitting, Believe and have faith, but stay away from the negative and naysayers by: renaldocmckenzie.com This is Part of the series, What’s Life Like Living in Philadelphia? From Penn State University. Question: Is Penn State a Philly school? Yes, and No. Technically, they are within the greater Philadelphia region and are closely connected to the city. There is a deep symbiotic relationship between the college and the city, in that both the students and staff at the college and the Philly residents consider the school to be a Philly school. Moreover, locals are fed into the school and enjoy some discounts from living in Philly and attending the University. However, geographically, the school is located right at the border of Philadelphia and Abington, where the school is actually located. But relationships go beyond borders and boundaries and such is the terms of their proximity. Spotify Link to Season 4 Episo...