Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Inequality, Poverty and Resistance
In "Neoliberalism, Globalization, Income Inequality, Poverty and Resistance", I present research and arguments about how the international economic systems based in Privilege and status create dependencies, poverty and inequalities which is justified by ideas that seek to do just that, promote a few over the others. What is insulting is that those who were once colonies of their masters have held onto certain beliefs that keeps them back of the line. Example, in Jamaica, which is a tourist mecca with its plethora of vacation spots and service unlike other islands, they do not benefit from maximizing the earnings from tourism through casino gambling because for them, it is a sin, or it goes against God. This is strategically perfect for those global north post-industrial countries who have moved on from those beliefs. In Jamaica, Buggery is still illegal and this law on the Jamaican books have caused...