Successful Businesses & Organizations such as #shleppers Are Those That Value, Place Premiums & Invest In Their Workers
Successful Businesses & organizations are those that value, place premium & invest in their workers. They understand that it is their workers that will ultimately determine the profit or loss of their business and that if they spend the time to know and take care of their workers they would not have to loose much money doing damage control. When managers have confidence in their workers, its because they have given their employees the tools to succeed in their roles & provide a level of ownership, independence and flexibility and space to succeed. The workers sense this commitment and investment and then share in the company’s visions and purpose and therefore work with more intensity as if it’s their own. Companies such as Amazon and #Shlepper are growing in leaps and bounds. Job satisfaction among its employees is growing faster than the national average since they have given more independence investment and pay to their workers. Businesses should Stop nickel and diming t...