Neoliberalism Book at Barnes and Noble on Cyber Monday Book Deals
Cyber Monday Deals Editorial Reviews : Neoliberalism: "RENALDO was one of my most interesting students at Penn whom I've had the pleasure of advising on several thesis and works. His book project is really very good. His treatment of Black Nationalism and Marcus Garvey in the context of the #globalizedeconomy is #unique , and really a #brandnew interpretation. That's just one of many #veryinteresting points he covers. The #thesis is very #thorough , very #provocative , #wellargued , and overall more than acceptable ," MARTIN OPPENHEIMER is #ProfessorEmeritus of #sociology , Rutgers University and Former Professor University of Pennsylvania . His latest book is The Hate Handbook ( Lexington ) and wrote the #preface for Renaldo's upcoming book #NeoLiberalGlobalizationReconsidered ..." Out soon. Cyber Monday : " Neoliberalism , Globalization, Income Inequality, Poverty and Resistance," is available at Barnes and Noble . Watch the Ad to re...