
Neoliberal Globalization, Income Inequality & Poverty By: Renaldo McKenzie

To what extent has neoliberal globalization affected the working class in the Americas, particularly in the Caribbean and the United States and how has it responded, in spite of capitalist structures, to avert retaliatory insurgencies to its power? Currently I am engaged in coursework that explores the concept and practice of neo-liberal globalization as a historical phenomenon beginning in the sixteenth century when capitalism replaced feudalism. My studies particularly while at Penn provided a dynamic and comprehensive approach within which to engage the subject matter. They provided a historical, political, economic, sociological, and anthropological approach to investigating neoliberal globalization’s effects on Jamaica. The experience throughout the research has led me to conclude that globalization is an old-age practice that has evolved in the form we know as neoliberalism today. But its aims and effects are always the same, to create greater wealth at lower costs. And this is d...

#Biden Says We Should Protect “Some” #Slave Owners Statues!

‪#Biden Says We Should 'Protect' Columbus, Washington and Jefferson Statues and that the government is obligated to protect statues and monuments "like the Jefferson Memorial," calling them a "remembrance” but for who?🤔 As if #remembrance is better than #reverence for those needing healing.  He thinks by coming up with a simplistic filter to weigh evil, so as to protect some cherished few would suffice. They’ve been weighed in the balance and found wanting. And it’s easy for Biden to say that but what about the man who bears the stripe of oppression represented by these figures... does remembering makes it easier for him or her? And who came up with this reverence versus remembrance... and it’s easily said than done for those needing to heal from the scars of slavery and continuous oppression. Healing is not easy and to pay for ones crimes is not cheap either. As ...

Let’s Make America “Great” Again?

I saw a video that Trump recently released where he talks about being portrayed as the reason for all of America’s current problems. He may be right as the problems of race and police violence and inequality is systemic and historical. But he also talks about Making America Great Again and what it means. But if he is the victim in all of this citing historical and systemic social issues in our county that has been happening way before he was born as the real issue, then his slogan needs to be updated to: let’s continue to work to make America Great. You see to be Great is a #utopian state. A Heavenly idea that religious people talk about achieving. But, Trump defeats his own position in this video that was supposed to question his characterization by liberal media as the reason for our current issues of race, inequity and police violence and COVID-19 but implies that America was Great before... Indeed, Let’s #MakeAmeri...

RUSSIA: Friend or Foe

Breaking News: Russia Pays Bounties to Afghanistans to kill US soldiers.   President Trump calls it “a hoax”, while his chief of staff Mr. Pompeo, contradicts him saying that “…it is not new”. So, which is it?   Further Mr. Pompeo said “we’re talking with Russia…”. I believe we are beyond talk at this point. Russia consistently tries to intimidate and undermine the US and its leadership in the world and the region.   Don’t be naive, keep talking to Russia thinking that they’re our allies, we may end up at the wrong end of the talk, because this is a competition that Russia is trying to and may yet win!

Why You Should Not Rush to get a New Job Right after you’ve been Separated from Work

Do not rush to get a new Job right after you’ve been laid off or separated from your employer. Especially during this COVID-19 Pandemic when you’re collecting UE and or Federal COVID benefits. Instead, now  is the perfect opportunuty to do self-examination and reflection and reinvest in one’s career-life as the world is changing and evolving ever so rapidly.  In fact, a recent PEW study report indicated that most  U.S. workers say that “new skills and training” may be indespensable to their future career life success. This is due to the Tectonic  changes that is “reshaping U.S. workplaces” as the economy becomes more “knowledge-based and these changes are rewarding “social, communications and analytical skills”. Socrates said, “the unexamined life is not worth living”; and at times the routine and demands of work-life may cut into meaningful time needed to rest, recoup, retool and realize greater satisfaction and value in one’s career a...

Why, “Black Lives Matter?”

Come..., Let us reason together: Platos: All lives matter.  Aristotles: But black lives are subjected to most of the violence and abuse in society. Socratese: Well, Aren’t [Blacks] the most disorderly, lawless and difficult in “society”. Descartese: So all Blacks are disorderly then and Other people’s are beyond bad.   Arete of Cyreene: Never the case... all have fallen short and anyone can be bad or good at any given time given the state of their conscience and will.  Hippocrattese: So the point is pointless regarding all Blacks being bad and we are back to the same place.  Euthydemusse: But if you are right and blacks are usually bad, why so and how so, a baseless calculation lacking verification. Theanos: Black people have been the target of systemic abuse, discrimination and poverty. Black people have suffered and are suffering from the trauma of over 300 years of slavery and degradation.  Marrx: So their realities make them do creative things to...

Investing... Is it really the way to Becoming Rich?😳

#Traders or #RichPeople will tell you to #Invest #Money to get #Rich😂... That’s if you’re already rich or already have money or are privileged enough to get access to money such as a loan or inheritance or a gift from your ancestors. But for most people especially those who are #Black or born outside of wealth which is most of us, we will have to work dam hard or do creative things to get money. Then when you get it you can invest to maintain it. So the better advice is: the way to maintain “Riches is to invest money. Because if you are poor and invest the little you have you will become poorer. So Be Wise!  What about the “Spirit of Capitalism and the Protestant Ethic” of #Hardwork and #Saving? What about accessing greater opportunities that helps you live beyond paycheck to paycheck. Everyone cannot be Rich in a world of limited means and resources and unlimited wants and needs. But everyone can live live  meaningful lives with a standard of living that is modest and leads ...

#Blacklives Matter... #Whitelives Matter. So, why is “Kat ‘Speaks’ ...Upset”?

Amidst this current Police unlawful killings of Black people,  and the outrage from the public and the calls for PoliceReform, a small voice speaks. It is BlackLives that has suffered the most brutality from the Police,  Not white people. Yet we get squeamish at the partial slogan -#Blacklivesmatter and want to be diplomatic, ”nice” and inclusive and say that all lives matter when it seems only #whitelifematter. #Blacklivesmatter puts it into better and a more workable perspective). @Kat Speaks shares a deep and passionate blog saying “I’m Upset” as we all should be: . What a well-Well written piece. I hear and feel the anger and frustration in your writing. Enough is enough you feel outraged. 🤬 . You defend eloquently your position concerning why you only say “Black Lives Matter instead of All lives matter. And conclude justifiably so with a call for absolute resolution on the matter ... violence which can b...

#Trump Versus #Biden

I was doing some reading and I happen to put down my manuscript to peruse social media and the news and I started seeing some patterns which led to a thought from which I had deduced that Biden May yet be in trouble although Trump is currently suffering a wound in the 5th round. Because while Trump is down, he’s not out and he is good for playing the underdog. More in this later. But to continue, Biden is ceasing on this vulnerability and hitting at Trumps wounds. #Covid-19, Policeviolence and reform, Bolton’s book, healthcare are all problems that has overwhelmed Trump and his messaging and corner(staff) have not helped him in the way that they should and as such made miscalculations about campaign plans and events.  Sam Chevalier said on Facebook: Now... i am going to say something that will be very controversial, but..... i don't like Biden... i don't want to vote for him, but it is going to come down to Biden vs. Trump. I have to go Biden. America can't do another 4 yea...

“When Every Aspect of your Life Ends in Failure, You can Work as A Paid Protester”

#If TIKTOK...ANTI MARXIST GOV... was trying to be funny with that twitter reply to my #tweet. This was my reply via twitter @RenaldoMcKenzie “There’s no such thing as failures as long as you’re alive. It is a matter of perspective. If you’re a pessimist & full of doubt & lack hope - yes. But, Every challenge provides an opportunity and every misstep is a mistake that makes you more experienced to realize your own life” and “succeed”...